A Multi-author Anthology from Cave Hollow Press

5M2: Triskaideka

5M2: Triskaideka (authors and titles) First Emily Spreng Lowery "Waiting for Tyson" St. Louis, MO, Second: Chanda K. Zimmerman "Perchance to Dream" Warrensburg, MO, Third: Tim Hammack "Templar's Fowl Day" St. Charles, MO. Finalists (in alphabetical order)

Judy Allen "To Honor and Obey" Guthrie, OK, Matt Bird-Meyer "Byron Lifts the Fog" Warrensburg, MO, Anne Earney "There's No Helping the Dead" St. Louis, MO, R. D. Fox "Breakers" Omaha, NE, Donn Irving "Down the Tube" Centerview, MO, Carmen Jasso "Animal" Oklahoma City, OK, J. Masterson "The Gift" Ste. Genevieve, MO, Don McDonald "Flight of the Raven" Washington, MO, Rebecca McDonald "The Goblin-Catcher of Warwyck" Washington, MO, Jodi Ralston "Dutybound" Ste. Genevieve, MO

Honorable Mention in The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror, Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, and Gavin J. Grant, eds., St. Martin's Griffin, 2006 edition for the stories: Animal (Carmen Jasso), Dutybound (Jodi Ralston), and Perchance to Dream (Chanda K. Zimmerman).